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Research Platforms & Groups

ESIGELEC provides valuable applied research designed to solve the industry's most pressing problems through IRSEEM ("Institut de Recherche en Systèmes Electroniques Embarqués", Research Institute for Embedded Electronic Systems in English). IRSEEM was established in 2001 by ESIGELEC with contributions from the Rouen Chamber of Commerce and Industry, around forty manufacturing companies, and significant support from the government, the Haute-Normandie region and the European Union.

IRSEEM bases its agenda on five central missions:

  1. Applied research leading to doctoral degrees in association with the Sc of Rouen
  2. Student research leading to doctoral degrees in association with the University of Rouen
  3. The creation and dissemination of knowledge through scientific research
  4.  Building and maintaining the excellence of ESIGELEC teaching staff
  5. Meeting the needs of the industry



IRSEEM and its researchers offer skills in a combination of electronics, automation, and IT to further industry progress in a specific set of disciplines. These include EMC and the reliability of components and systems, radiofrequency and microwave circuits (design, modelling and characterization), autonomous and connected mobile systems (perception and localization), and tolerance control for system faults (robust control, diagnosis/prognosis and estimation). IRSEEM specializes in upstream research, creating knowledge-based on three broad themes:

  •  Automation and Systems - Robust control of systems, Robust Diagnosis/Prognosis, and Estimation
  • Electronics and Systems - Electromagnetic Compatibility, Reliability, Microwave Components and Circuits, Microelectronics, and Power Electronics
  • Instrumentation, IT, and Systems - Vision and Localization, Embedded Software, Autonomous Mobility, Multi-Agent Cooperative Systems

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